Starting and Running Your Own Small Business: A Q&A

Romy standing proud on the last day of 2023, the year she started her own business adventure!

I invited my Instagram followers to ask me questions about Romyni. I am so happy to answer them all. Please note that I am no expert in marketing or sales. This is my own experience. However, I can tell you: starting your own business is one the most rewarding things you can ever do! 


“Why did you start this business? How can you give up such beautiful pieces?”  


I am by nature a compulsive buyer. When I like something, I buy it. I don’t just witness a piece of jewelry or a piece of clothing, it is a story, a trip, a journey, a memory. At some point, I found myself dreaming of looks and having a lot! So much that I don’t have enough time to wear them all. This is when I realized that my dreams are bigger than my time and my reality. I was trying to live a life for myself and others as well. I am a life lover. This explains it all. And I love beauty. SO MUCH! So! Those dreams had to be shared with the world. You, my beautiful customers!  


“Where do you find such unique and beautiful pieces? Love them.” 
“Where do you most source your jewelry from?” 
“I love all your things! Where do you find all the jewelry you are selling?” 


As I just introduced my buying journey, I have been accumulating pieces for such a long time. I find pieces everywhere really: at thrift stores, antique stores, estate sales, other vintage sellers, eBay, auctions... If you look around, you’ll find them. I buy lots from France, and Florence. I found the most beautiful jewelry in Lake Como and lots in Athens! But all the pieces are in the thousands of dollars. After starting the business, I had to grow my inventory and I started to buy more wholesale. Some vendors are happy to do it. However, this route requires a bigger budget. Just like anything else, it is all about who you know. I am learning as I do. When you work on something, God sends your way opportunities and people that will play an important role in your growth. Life is a boomerang. What you put out there will come back to you, at the right time always.  


“I want to start my own small business, but sometimes lack “courage”, how did you start?” 


I can answer this question with one word: Attitude.  
    Starting a business can be so stressful as you are jumping into the unknown. Just like anything else. But you need courage even when you work for others. You need courage every day. It takes courage to travel, get on a plane, drive your car to work, to go to the gym, to apply for a job... If you overthink it, you will never do it. Having a business, especially in retail, requires the best attitude. Fear is a sign of responsibility. If it is something you really want to do, all it takes is starting. It is okay to have a good attitude about your doubts and questions. You can ask yourself always “but what if....” for the positive: but what if you don’t try, you will never know. I am not afraid of failure. Failure usually makes things clearer. What I did wrong, what I want and what I don't want, how to deal with specific situations next time, or even how to make the same mistake again but differently? Cause life is a puzzle like that and it is okay to fail but it is never okay not to try.  
    I suggest starting. This is what I did. I had a calendar. I had one tiny task to do every day. I never set a deadline or overwhelm myself. People love deadlines. Deadlines stress me out. I only had a deadline for the task, but not the overall launching. Take your time and give yourself credit for anything you learn as you go. It takes a lot of time to do it all alone. It is important not to rush and enjoy the process so that it is always fun. Setting dates for your big project is so important when you're a pro. But when you're still learning, and figuring things out, you will have something new to add to your to do list everyday. 
    You have to keep in mind that it is impossible to have a perfect small business unless you have major funding, and a big team of professionals to help you, and all that fancy stuff. However, if that is not an option, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start. Either way, you could have the first option and never start. Both case scenarios, taking action is the only way to achieve anything. Just do it!  



“Can you share your icon inspirations?” 


Everybody looks the same today. Everything is a copy of a copy. I look in the mirror and see myself and nobody else. I am my own inspiration. Both my mistakes and achievements inspire me. Style requires maturity. That is why your style is always evolving. It is a lifestyle and an attitude. It is the joy of dressing up. The way you walk and smile at people. My style evolution over the years is inspiring because I see myself evolving through it. It only gets better and that’s the beauty of it. It is a sign that you are learning more about who you are. Sometimes even when I don't love a piece of clothing or an accessory, I make it  pretty. Adapting to your reality and having a positive strong attitude are key. Learn to see the beauty in your surroundings, and your imperfections, and you become your own icon. Charm was never about perfection. It is about that je ne sais quoi.  


“How did you start the website?” 


Shopify. It makes things so easy. At some point, you will need help and professionals to perfect your website. However, in the beginning, it really isn’t necessary. You can simply do it all from scratch. Any questions you have, a google/YouTube search away and you will be fine. Shopify also makes it easy for you to begin. I remember I only had to pay 1$ per month when I started. I took advantage to build the website quick and start after my subscription. To save some time, take pictures of your goods before starting as this is the most time consuming part. So by the time you build your website and start, you can take advantage of any offers Shopify have for you.  


“Best advice for starting a business without experience in that realm?” 
Just start. And learn by doing. And start small. As I said, do as much as you can. No one is expecting from you too much really. Your customers appreciate the personal aspect of your business and the tiny imperfections that make your business unique and different.  
   Neve compare. Do your best. Learn. Follow your vision. Forget the rest. You cannot have a business and compare your number of sales, your inventory to other businesses that were out there for years. Stay grounded and realistic.  
   Enjoy it! It is crucial to enjoy it. Love it and be proud of it, you will be surprised with the positive outcome of just doing that. 


“How did you market your business when it was brand new?” 
“What kind of marketing do you use outside your Instagram?” 


 I didn’t think about marketing at all. I am selling my “energy”, the things I love the most. This is the intention really. I wanted it to be organic and for the growth to be organic and not forced and pushy. I am lucky to have an influential presence on my Instagram which helped a lot. All my sales were generated using this platform. I owe it to my followers that encouraged me to start the business. They would always ask me if I would sell them some of the pieces I wear in my pictures. So that was positive and encouraged me to go for it.  As I sold a lot of the pieces before even launching the website.  
   The other marketing strategy that is underestimated is the traditional way. I go out a lot. I network a lot. I talk to people, and I am not afraid to talk about my small business. I go places and I always make sure to look my best. I wear my jewelry and people ask about them (always) as they are mostly showstopper pieces. And then it becomes word-of-mouth marketing. I keep my business card in my bag. Just like in any other field, you have to promote yourself always. And no one does it better than you do.  
   Your mother is also the best marketing strategy, Hehe😊 she’s so proud! She’s out there telling everyone about it. Cheers to mama!  
   Note: I tried to pay just once to promote a post, and it is true that the post will reach more audience. However, it is truly not as efficient as the organic effortless way - cause that doesn't mean it will reach the right customer. The right customer will find you when you’re doing your job well, and when you know how to communicate your ideas to the public. And that on its own will take years of learning. If you love what you’re selling, people will follow and will want to support you.  
   It is also important to keep in mind that I don’t sell in volume. There is only one piece of each, so my marketing strategy works for this type of business. When you are selling in bulk, the approach will be indeed way different.  


“How many days do you work on it?” 


I work on it 24/7. Even when you are not really working on it, your business will haunt you forever. It is in the back of my head all the time. It is a lot of work, that sometimes I find myself thinking about it way more than working on it. It is hectic. I am so aware now of how difficult that business is. It made me appreciate emerging brands way more, and I find myself supporting them way more now. When you pay, you are paying for the hard work of someone else risking everything for their business. and it just feels good when I acquire pieces like that. Anyway, it takes time to do everything on your own which is my case. Even the simple things take time. And doing it all alone is indeed tiring. I balance my life and make sure not to let it overwhelm me. I dream and procrastinate a lot. I am working on that. This is my biggest challenge.  


“Do you do any sales?” 


I do offer discounts sometimes on some items only. They can be temporary or permanent.  


“Do you need a lot of money to start your own business?” 


You can start a business with 500$. With proper planning and budgeting it is doable. But that is not a general formula that works for every business. Your business won’t pay you a salary for a very long time. Your "salary” will be used for growth and inventory. So, it requires a lot of discipline, dedication and patience. The reward is going to be in the success of your business and not in the finances for quite some time. You must take that into consideration and whether you can handle the financial stress or not. However, money is always the solution, and never the problem. It should not be a reason not to start. I started my business with a low budget. It’s been only a year. But budgeting is crucial for any successful business. And that is my weakness. I go with the flow. That’s not always responsible. You reach a point where you find yourself spending more, especially when your business starts to grow and attract more customers. Also, my advice for any small business owners would be to consider hiring an accountant. Immediately. Something I haven’t done earlier, and I regret not doing. Structure is important. You can’t do it all all the time. You need help. Get an account before it’s too late.


I hope this was helpful. I wish you the best no matter what path you decide to take. Thank you for supporting Romyni! 

With love always, 

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